📢 I’m currently seeking a new job!

If you are looking for a software engineer who has experience in Python, R, package development, research and more, please reach out to me via linkedin or my email!

Hi, I’m Nischal! I love using Python, R, and JavaScript to build fun and useful tools for data scientists. Previously, I worked at Posit (formerly RStudio) where I built autograding tools for Python in Academy. I have also worked on OSS like learnr or ggcheck for autograding, and Unravel for exploring and learning about code.

I did my PhD in Computer Science at North Carolina State University from 2016-2022 where I explored just-in-time learning tools for data science programming with Chris Parnin in the alt-code lab. You can read my dissertation to learn more!

Outside of work, I enjoy running, powerlifting, watching/discussing tv shows/movies, listening to or making music, and coding for fun.